Combining tor browser with vpn
Combining tor browser with vpn

combining tor browser with vpn

While Tor may have gained popularity with some of the darker corners of the web, it’s equally useful for those who are simply concerned about privacy. There’s a lot more to the Tor Browser than I care to cover here but Tom’s Guide has a great breakdown of how Tor works and even how you can host a Tor relay to help expand the entire network.

combining tor browser with vpn

Combined with a VPN like NordVPN, the Tor Browser is a powerful tool to help users stay completely anonymous online. Tor also deletes all site data and cookies when the browser is closed and users can customize how much if any personal data can be utilized by the browser and websites that are accessed. The Tor Browser anonymizes user traffic with a network of circuits that sends as receives encrypted data that essentially hides the source IP. The Tor Browser will protect your personal data, browsing history and behavior which will eliminate curated advertising but you will still see ads on websites. The Tor Browser does NOT block ads like browsers such as Brave. So, I’ve done a little research on how the Tor Browser works and why you’d want to use it and threw together a quick tutorial on how to install it on a Linux-enabled Chromebook. I’m not that familiar with the internal workings of the Tor Browser but I’ve seen a lot of users wanting to install it on their Chromebooks. For those wanting a more private browsing experience with the addition of relative anonymity, Tor Browser has become one of the most popular alternatives out there. While most major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Edge will allow users to limit the amount of data that is shared and what traces are left from browsing, that isn’t the default behavior. More and more, security and privacy are becoming important factors for users looking to choose a web browser.

Combining tor browser with vpn